comment $ --------------------------------------------------- Bypassing the breakpoints with file "streams" --------------------------------------------------- written by Piotr Bania About ----- First of all i dunno if this issue is known issue or not, so i will write about it as it is new (forgive me if im wrong). Anyway shortly, we have 3 different types of breakpoints: 1) BPX (int3) 2) Memory breakpoints done by using page rights modifications bla bla. 3) Hardware breakpoints (debug registers) I will not speak here about point 1 (BPX'es). Also consider the fact point 2 (memory breakpoints) are already known to be detected by page rights checks. Anyway, there are often a situations when attacker is trying to capture buffer data (if you ever were resarching some vulnerabilities you prolly know what i mean). So this is shortly accomplished by two scenarios, usually we put a breakpoint on the buffer in what we are interrested in. Sometimes it is a memory breakpoint, sometimes it is a hardware breakpoint, depends on situation. So while researching a brand new vulnerability which you probably will see someday, i got a bit confused. I was tracing the heap memory, and i found a leakage. So i simply traced the allocation point of the block, and then i've put a breakpoint on the begining of the block (firstly it was a memory breakpoint). And here it comes the confusion point, the program didnt work - i mean it didnt reach the crash point. I got bit confused, i tried with HARDWARE breakpoints, the memory was corrupted but whats more funny the breakpoint didnt work (but the block changed). After spending few minutes looking at my dirty shoes i decided to try with my brand cool tracer. And guess what, the memory was broken because of ReadFile, where the input buffer was my corrupted block. What is the conlusion? First of all, you can bypass the hardware memory breakpoints by reading data directly from a file. Secondly, you can detect memory breakpoints. Its really funny when you write to the protected data, and none of this breakpoints says u really write there and the memory is changed. Just like always, more short thoughts... Save us, from what we have become tonight eyes, glazed with distrust No sense of wrong or right . $ include push 255 push offset fname push 0 @callx GetModuleFileNameA mov eax,offset buff ; set a breakpoint on the EAX area int 3 ; try HARDWARE breakpoints and ; memory breakpoints and see what you got push OF_READ call a1 fname db 255 dup (0) a1: @callx _lopen inc eax test eax,eax jz exit ; HFILE_ERROR, fucked up xchg ebx,eax dec ebx push 512 push offset buff push ebx @callx _lread ; just a sample protected memory modification inc eax ; probably ERROR_NOACCESS (000003E6) on normal memory bps :) test eax,eax jz stfu int 3 ; this is stored to check breakpoints state ; look they were not alerted and the data:) ; was written push ebx @callx _lclose exit: push 0 @callx ExitProcess stfu: push 0 @pushsz "Eat your breakpoints" @pushsz "Eat your breakpoints" push 0 @callx MessageBoxA jmp exit buff db 512 dup (0) end start